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So far admin has created 14 blog entries.

Detail and Contour Survey – Lion Island Lookout

Engaged by the Department of Lands, Compass Consulting Surveyors performed a detail survey of an area within the Burrendong State Park. The data from the survey was used to determine grades and assess bushfire risk. In addition, the survey was a works-as-executed check on the road and other works on the site. The survey plan [...]

Detail and Contour Survey – Lion Island Lookout

Strata Subdivision – Piggott Place, Blayney

A relatively simple strata subdivision on a residential unit block in Blayney, this type of development is becoming more common. Compass Consulting Surveyors were involved by providing a strata plan and electronic lodgement of the plan. In a Strata subdivision, the buildings are owned by the Body Corporate so that maintenance is shared between [...]

Strata Subdivision – Piggott Place, Blayney

Wellington Correctional Centre

From the first day of fieldwork to the final checks, Compass Consulting Surveyors were involved in almost every step of this $115 million project. Initially engaged to set out the Bulk Earthworks for the site, Compass Consulting Surveyors became the primary survey firm on site. We were in charge of placing and maintaining the survey [...]

Wellington Correctional Centre

Town Planning – Amaroo Drive, Wellington

From bulk earthworks, civil works, new business, construction of shed, erection of signs and construction of fences to installation of drainage infrastructure, Compass Consulting Surveyors were instrumental in the preparation of all planning reports, civil design, consultant liaison and physical survey work on site. Under tight time constraints, this application presented a challenge, however the [...]

Town Planning – Amaroo Drive, Wellington
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